Contact center

The contact center service allows you to standardize the company’s communication with its customers. Thanks to this, regardless of the channel of contact with the customer (telephone, e-mail, SMS, chat, instant messengers or contact forms on the website), contact center consultants have access to the entire history of contacts with the customer, thanks to which they are able to solve the customer’s problem faster and more accurately. reports to the company. Analysis of contact history also allows for a more accurate adjustment of the offer to the customer’s needs, which reduces marketing costs and increases sales.

The contact center service is provided at the SLA level agreed with the client (guaranteed level of service availability). As part of such a guarantee, a minimum level of service is established, e.g. 90% of calls answered within 20 seconds, maximum e-mail response time, etc.

The service can be provided in various variants:

  • transferring all customer communications to an external contact center
  • entrusting an external contact center with customer service during non-standard working hours, e.g. at night or on weekends
  • forwarding redundant calls to an external contact center (so-called overflow calls) that cannot be handled by the internal customer service department
  • Transferring selected customer service processes to an external contact center, e.g. complaint handling, payment monitoring and amicable debt collection, product hotlines
  • entrusting an external contact center with handling notifications at the first contact stage. The notifications received by the service provider are classified and, after assigning the appropriate status, transferred to the company’s internal departments

If you want to ask about the offer or get more information please contact us